LOST TRIBE SOUND RECORDS                3002 North 70th Street #209
************************                Scottdale, AZ 85251


Distr.  : US - Darla/
          UK - Norman/Boomkat/
Sub lab.: Prelude To The Decline/Dead West/Leave Me Sessions/
Style   : experimental hip hop / ambient / modern classical / home /post rock /
          listening / electro-folk / indie folk / orchestral folk / Americana /
          instrumental beat / experimental folk / world music /

Lost Tribe Sound is a record label that specializes in organic, gentle, and
exploratory music that transcends genre, technique, or trend. Combining elements
of folk, found sound, modern classical, hip-hop, and electronic with a strong
commitment to beautiful yet rustic packaging, our hope is to create timeless music
that pushes the envelope of modern sound while paying homage to the ancient.
http://losttribesound.com/about/ july 31, 2017

LTS     001     TOKYO BLOODWORM         TOKYO BLOODWORM 1               CD      03.2007

        1       Fluid After Thought                             6:44
        2       Tick                                            7:00
        3       Hayam                                           2:41
        4       Speicherverlust                                 6:51
        5       Found Memories of Nature                        5:45
        6       Still Passage                                   5:03
        7       Essential Construct                             4:09
        8       Saturn Shrine                                   5:25
        9       Discord Hymn                                    4:18
        10      Scorpion Vs. Mantis                             11:35
        11      We Don't Have to Whisper                        4:08
LTS     002     VIEO ABIUNGO            BLOOD MEMORY                    CD.DL   04.2010

        1       Borne Harshly                                   0:45
        2       Nervous Laughter                                3:31
        3       In a Wash or Haze                               4:32
        4       White Faced Rotted Teeth                        1:03
        5       Cote d'Ivoire                                   6:01
        6       Gaunt Wolves With Buzzard Beaks                 3:09
        7       Rust and Bile                                   4:36
        8       Sweat, Thick Like Blood or Honey                3:23
        9       Parading on Broken Glass                        4:01
        10      Red Earthen Mouths                              7:46
        11      Rain Like Burnt Sugar                           1:40
        12      Fugue                                           4:02
        13      Blood Memory                                    1:26
LTS     003     V / A                   LOST TRIBE SOUND : ONE          CD      09.2010
LTS     003     V / A                   LOST TRIBE SOUND : ONE          DL      03.2012

        1       Vieo Abiungo            Bolivia                 3:37
        2       Part Timer              Creak                   3:50
        3       Pollution Salute        Bright Shine            2:45
        4       Joshua Allen And The Plague Of Frogs:Meditation 1:32
        5       Benoit Pioulard         Aeolian Death Song      2:35
        6       The Birdcage            Daydream                2:42
        7       The Remote Viewer : The Things I Should Have
                Known                                           4:29
        8       Brael                   Week Of Wonders         4:45
        9       Ben Swire               Propel                  3:30
        10      Cock And Swan : Unrecognized (Acoustic)         3:57
        11      Children Of The Wave    Come Play Frolic        4:47
        12      Gavouna                 Tricle-Rem              3:21
        13      William Ryan Fritch : Cold Fingers Buttoning
                Sleeves                                         4:11
        14      Gavouna                 Just Ondes              1:03
        15      Richard Crandell        Click                   5:22
        16      Tokyo Bloodworm : Old Friend Shaped Of Light    5:53
        17      Aaron Martin            Sea Wasp                2:28
        18      Part Timer              Unfound                 5:37
        19      Helios                  Aside                   4:16
        20      Benoit Pioulard         Hirondelle (Acoustic)   2:42
                (Note : CD , digipak)
LTS     004     PART TIMER              REAL TO REEL                    CD      12.2010

1       The Distance Between One (feat. Danielle McCaffarey)    3:00
2       Campsite Sundown                                        2:37
3       Unfound (feat. Heidi Elva and Aaron Martin)             5:35
4       A Long Inhalation                                       3:11
5       Suspended Belief                                        3:49
6       The Runner (feat. Heidi Elva and Aaron Martin)          5:32
7       Where We Used to Go (feat. Nicola Hodgkinson and Aaron
        Martin)                                                 5:04
8       Interalia (feat. Aaron Martin)                          4:20
9       In Your Hand                                            3:46
10      Untold, Unfold (feat. Danielle McCaffarey)              4:51
11      It's a Storm                                            2:48
12      Never Meant to Be (feat. Heidi Elva and Aaron Martin)   5:13
13      Taken Along Quietly                                     2:43
LTS     005     POLLUTION SALUTE        GUM DRUMS                       DL      03.2012
LTS     006     POLLUTION SALUTE        NEON                            CD.DL   03.2012

        1       June, July And August                           3:30
        2       Orange Bug                                      3:05
        3       Bright Shine                                    2:47
        4       Jelly Prison                                    5:03
        5       Bones Dancing                                   2:55
        6       Six Seven                                       3:38
        7       Shockolate                                      3:42
        8       Wumpus                                          3:10
        9       Mowing The Lawn                                 2:33
        10      Step Forward To Drift Away                      4:32
        11      Origin                                          4:55
        12      Garage Door Opener                              3:49
        13      Burst Open                                      4:05
        14      Magic Carpet                                    4:19
        15      Cotton Fort                                     5:15
                (Note : CD , digipak)
LTS     007     VIEO ABIUNGO            BLOOD MEMORY REMIXED            12DL    03.2011

1       Blood Memory (Part Timer Mix)                           5:08
2       Sweat Thick Like Blood or Honey (Wallpaper Remix)       4:34
3       Rust And Bile (Furious Styles Remix)                    2:13
4       Parading On Broken Glass V1 (Between The Pines Remix)   6:00
5       Gaunt Wolves With Buzzard Beaks (Alpha Consumer Remix)  3:14
6       Rust and Bile (Children of the Wave Remix)              3:52
7       Fugue (Manyfingers Remix)                               8:37
8       Rust and Bile (Scissors and Sellotape Remix)            4:36
9       Red Earthen Mouths (The Boats Remix)                    4:43
10      Parading On Broken Glass V2 (Between The Pines Remix)   4:23
11      Rain Like Burnt Sugar (Brael Remix)                     4:21
12      Nervous Laughter (Sleepcrime Remix)                     21:06
LTS     008     VIEO ABIUNGO : AND THE WORLD IS STILL YAWNING           LP.DL   08.2011

A.      1       With Each Forgetful Step... Progress            3:09
        2       Treading Water                                  4:50
        3       Drowsy Salted Morning                           3:46
        4       Man Makes Little More Than Acrid Waters         1:40
        5       Feast Before Harvest                            3:21
        6       The Barges Bellow Their Foul Air                3:23
        7       Still and Tepid Waters                          0:53
B.      8       Our Racing Hearts                               3:46
        9       Flotsam and Jetsam                              1:01
        10      Insincerity Peeked Through Cloudlessly          2:00
        11      While the Others Sleep                          5:17
        12      A Sad Swell                                     2:03
        13      And The World Is Still Yawning                  6:50
LTS     009     VIEO ABIUNGO : AND THE WORLD IS STILL REMIXED           CD.DL   08.2011

1       Man Makes Little More Than Acrid Waters (Aaron Martin Remix)    2:00
2       And the World Is Still Yawning (Field Rotation Remix)           8:17
3       Thundering of Empty Promise                                     4:09
4       Drowsy Salted Morning (Benoit Pioulard Remix)                   2:56
5       What Lay to Waste (feat. Joan Jeanrenaud)                       5:47
6       The Barges Bellow Their Foul Air (Sven Kacirek Remix)           4:06
7       Flotsam and Jestam (Need More Sources Remix)                    7:53
8       While the Others Sleep (Cock and Swan Remix)                    4:02
9       Rash of Silver                                                  4:23
10      Our Racing Hearts (Skyphone Remix)                              4:24
11      Feast Before Havest (The Green Kingdom Remix)                   5:47
12      Drowsy Salted Morning (Tokyo Bloodworm Remix)                   4:19
13      Insincerity Peeked Through Cloudlessly (Upward Arrows Remix)    3:57
14      Still and Tepid Pools (Sun Hammer Remix)                        5:14
15      With Each Forgetful Step...Progress (Nils Frahm Remix)          4:34
16      A Sad Swell (Humble Bee Remix)                                  4:51

CD      1.1     The Still and Sour Before the Storm             3:42
        1.2     Why Dogs Mimic Sirens                           3:19
        1.3     To Lay Still in Its Frenetic Surge              4:31
        1.4     Thundering of Empty Promise                     5:11
        1.5     To Remove a Soiled Bandage                      1:09
        1.6     The Thunder May Have Ruined the Moment          3:10
        1.7     Bleed That Rock                                 4:02
        1.8     It Hangs Over Us Subtle as a Cloud              2:56
        1.9     In Fits of Frustration                          4:35
        1.10    The Milk of Venom                               3:10
        1.11    With Its Slow Decay                             3:45
        1.12    All That the Rain Pardons                       3:01
        1.13    Rejoice the Blind Coincidence                   5:15
        1.14    A Sun Shower                                    0:45
        1.15    Elegy                                           2:22

DVD     2.1     Thunder May Have Ruined the Moment              13:12
        2.2     With Its Slow Decay                             2:41
LTS     011     COCK AND SWAN           STASH                           CDR     03.2012
LTS     011 B   COCK AND SWAN           STASH                           CD      04.2012

Sneak Close / Stash / Raging Chisel / Sympethizer / Happy Thoughts / Tectonic Plates /
Unrecognized / Unserious / Clearing Sigh / Remember Sweet / I Let Me In / Orange And
Pink / Walking Up Dandelions

(Note : CD , 100 copies housed in a hand-aged linen cloth bound book)
                THE MOMENT

        1       Gravebell                                       2:10
        2       Bloodbridge                                     4:41
        3       Gravebat                                        5:42
        4       Insomniac Dawn                                  6:11
        5       Hunting For Statues                             4:15
        6       Memorials                                       4:54
        7       Our Sound Is Our Wound                          5:28
        8       Wolves                                          4:42

(Note : CD+DVD in a custom 7"x6" case , 16 p. booklet ,  500 numbered copies)
LTS     013     [soundtrack] WILLIAM RYAN FRITCH : THE WAITING ROOM     CD.DL   02.2013

Any And All Of You / It Moves With Or Without You / Coda / A Matter Of Life / Light In
A Dark Hour / What Are You Waiting For / Last Line Of Defense / The Cost, The Value Of
Health / Ugrency / Hold High Your Head / Time Changes When In Pain / The Waiting Room
LTS     014     GRAVEYARD TAPES         OUR SOUND OUR WOUND             CD.DL   07.2013

        1       Gravebell                                       2:10
        2       Bloodbridge                                     4:41
        3       Gravebat                                        5:42
        4       Insomniac Dawn                                  6:11
        5       Hunting For Statues                             4:15
        6       Memorials                                       4:54
        7       Our Sound Is Our Wound                          5:28
        8       Wolves                                          4:42
                (Note : CD , 2nd ed. , 150 copies)
LTS     015     WILLIAM RYAN FRITCH     EMPTIED ANIMAL                  CD+CD   04.2014
LTS     015 3   WILLIAM RYAN FRITCH     EMPTIED ANIMAL                  DL      04.2014

CD 1    1.      Late Blooms
        2.      I Am Your Bread
        3.      Our Unsettled Shapes
        4.      In A Tame World
        5.      Late Blooms (Instrumental)
        6.      I Am Your Bread (Instrumental)
        7.      Our Unsettled Shapes (Instrumental)
        8.      In A Tame World (Instrumental)
        9.      Low Expectations
        10.     Late Blooms (Acoustic)

CD 2            Mini EP Track List (Comes with CD Only):
        1.      Loose Limbed
        2.      Time Walks On Crooked Legs
        3.      Her Warmth
        4.      The Bones and Ghosts

(Note : CD housed in a Japanese style heavy stock, reverse printed case. Limited to 250
        copies. The CD purchase only comes with a 4 Song Mini-EP on a download card,
        containing 20 minutes of original music mastered by Carl Saff)
LTS     016 3   WILLIAM RYAN FRITCH     LEAVE ME LIKE YOU FOUND ME      DL      05.2014

        1.      A Still Turning Point in this World
        2.      Sun on Cold Skin
        3.      With the Winds Against Us
        4.      Coursing Through Veins
        5.      Half Awake in Slow Motion
        6.      Weightless
        7.      Tangled Together
        8.      Empty Upon Impact
        9.      Bind and Unbind
        10.     Leave Me Like You Found Me

                Bonus EP Track List (Download Card - Comes with CD Only):
        1.      A Sad Whispering Wind
        2.      In The Same Breath
        3.      Deliberate
        4.      Her Warmth
        5.      Take Pause
        6.      In Contempt, In Silence
        7.      Our Wilderness
        8.      Saccharin
        9.      Siri Song
        10.     Reacquaint
        11.     What Stays In Motion
        12.     A Slow Burn
        13.     Reluctant To Change
        14.     A Sad Whispering Wind II

* CD housed in a panoramic 7” x 5” heavy stock, reverse printed case.
* 14 Song Mini-Album download card, 28 minutes of original music not on CD.
     (CD Purchases Only)
* Double-sided Art Card Print featuring original artwork from William Ryan
  Fritch and Jamie Mills.
* Featuring artwork throughout by world renowned Brazilian artist/illustrator
  Joao Ruas.
* Limited to 450.
LTS     017     BENOIT PIOULARD         HYMNAL REMIXES                  2CD.DL  12.2013
LTS     017 3   BENOIT PIOULARD         HYMNAL REMIXES                  DL      12.2013

CD 1    1.      Mercy (Fieldhead Remix)
        2.      Margin (William Ryan Fritch Remix)
        3.      Excave (Squanto Remix)
        4.      Litiya (The Green Kingdom Remix)
        5.      Homily (Cock and Swan Remix)
        6.      Florid (Brambles Remix)
        7.      Censer (Field Rotation Remix)
        8.      Reliquary (Part Timer Remix)
        9.      Margin (Zachary Gray Remix)
        10.     Foxtail (Graveyard Tapes Remix)

CD 2    1.      Hawkeye (The Remote Viewer Remix)
        2.      Censer (Segue Remix)
        3.      Knell (Widesky Remix)
        4.      Florid (Loscil Remix)
        5.      Foxtail (Radere Remix)
        6.      Gospel (James Murray Remix)
        7.      Reliquary (Benoît Honoré Pioulard Remix)
        8.      Margin (Ruhe Remix)
        9.      Gospel (Window Magic Remix) 

(Note : 2xCD in a Japanese style digi-wallet made of extra heavy uncoated stock with
        matte disc artwork. Limited to 45)
LTS     018 1   GRAVEYARD TAPES         WHITE ROOMS                     LP      10.2014
LTS     018 2   GRAVEYARD TAPES         WHITE ROOMS                     CD      10.2014
LTS     018 3   GRAVEYARD TAPES         WHITE ROOMS                     DL      10.2014

A.      1.      Flicker
        2.      Exit Ghosts
        3.      Sometimes The Sun Doesn’t Want To Be Photographed
        4.      Dulcitone Grasses (with Bonus DL Card on Vinyl)
        5.      Could You Really Kill?
B.      6.      Death Rattle
        7.      The Secret Voices Of People
        8.      Ruins
        9.      I’m On Fire

(Note : 140 gram vinyl (limited to 300) housed in a thick stock reverse printed LP
        jacket with a thick stock reverse printed LP sleeve inside. The vinyl comes
        with a download card for the album White Rooms in your choice of formats: FLAC,
        320 MP3 and more. The vinyl also comes with a free 4 song EP, The Price of
        Ambition.  Also available in a matte digipack CD version (limited to 150))
LTS     019 1   WILLIAM RYAN FRITCH     REVISIONIST                     LP      01.2015
LTS     019 2   WILLIAM RYAN FRITCH     REVISIONIST                     CD      01.2015
LTS     019 3   WILLIAM RYAN FRITCH     REVISIONIST                     DL      01.2015
LTS     020 1   MUTE FOREST             DEFORESTATION                   LP      11.2015
LTS     020 3   MUTE FOREST             DEFORESTATION                   CD      11.2015

        1.      Deforestation
        2.      Automatism
        3.      Back Of Cave
        4.      I Will Never Fully Remember The Way
        5.      Impersonating A Firefighter
        6.      Vine Covered Windows And Doors
        7.      Various Lake Contents
        8.      Distracted By My Contorted Reflection
        9.      From God, To Kane, To Seth
LTS     021 1   WESTERN SKIES MOTEL     SETTLERS                        LP      04.2016
LTS     021 2   WESTERN SKIES MOTEL     SETTLERS                        CD      04.2016
LTS     021 3   WESTERN SKIES MOTEL     SETTLERS                        DL      04.2016

        1.      Falling Leaves
        2.      Two Worlds
        3.      Migratory Birds
        4.      Whelm
        5.      Us
        6.      As The Flames Rose (CD, Digital Only)
        7.      Garden
        8.      Transformation
        9.      Whirl
        10.     After a Storm

(Note : deluxe vinyl edition (limited to 170) is a lacquer cut pressed on 180 gram
        virgin vinyl, housed in a hand-numbered matte finished gatefold tip-on jacket.
        This edition comes with a download card offering a choice of formats including
        FLAC, 320K MP3, etc. Mastered for vinyl and digital by Taylor Deupree, and cut
        to lacquer by Roger Seibel at SAE Mastering. The CD ed. is housed in a heavy
        stock Japanese style gatefold case (limited to 300))
LTS     022
LTS     023 3   WILLIAM RYAN FRITCH     III TIDES                       DL      10.2016
LTS     023 4   WILLIAM RYAN FRITCH     III TIDES                       CS      10.2016

        1.      Ghosts In The Gale
        2.      Recoiled
        3.      Ill Tides
        4.      Burdensome
        5.      At Odds
        6.      A Tense Spiral
        7.      The Fog Of Our Primes
        8.      Evaporate
        9.      Entrenched
        10.     Furthest Shore
LTS     024 3   SEABUCKTHORN            I COULD SEE THE SMOKE           DL      10.2016
LTS     024 4   SEABUCKTHORN            I COULD SEE THE SMOKE           CS      10.2016

        1.      I Could See The Smoke
        2.      Seen As A Black Road
        3.      The Good River
        4.      Returnee
        5.      Overgrown Courtyard
        6.      Passage Of Old

Resonator, 12-String guitars, & Drums by Andy Cartwright
Recorded & Mixed by Andy Cartwright
Mastering by William Ryan Fritch
Cover Arrangements by Valérie Tortolero & Ryan Keane
Copyright Seabuckthorn / Lost Tribe Sound LLC
Published by Settled Scores LLC (ASCAP 2016)
                NEW WORLD
                NEW WORLD

        1.      Bek
        2.      Burkitshi
        3.      Tending the Herd
        4.      Aegil
        5.      Karakorum
        6.      Gold Colored Foxes
        7.      Gurts
        8.      Qusbegi
        9.      Sala Ensalaar
        10.     Red Wolves
        11.     Goshawks
        12.     Scattered Flocks
        13.     Burkit
        14.     Tsingali
        15.     Descendants

LP      180g vinyl LP on Lost Tribe Sound, housed in a heavyweight reverse printed
        jacket. Edition of 500 copies. Download coupon features an extended digital
        bonus edition of the OST with 3 exclusive songs, plus a 22 page full-color
        PDF booklet.
CD      housed in panoramic handcrafted and hand-numbered case. Edition of 150 copies.
        Download coupon features an extended digital bonus edition of the OST with
        3 exclusive songs, plus a 22 page full-color PDF booklet.
LTS     026 1   SEABUCKTHORN            TURNS                           LP      04.2017
LTS     026 2   SEABUCKTHORN            TURNS                           CD      04.2017
LTS     026 3   SEABUCKTHORN            TURNS                           DL      04.2017

        1.      Long Voyages Often Lose Themselves
        2.      Of Disappearance
        3.      Occurring Water
        4.      The Trail Already In My Mind
        5.      Dizzying Mountains
        6.      Lanterns
        7.      Plateau Edge
        8.      Near Translucent
        9.      Concerning Otherness
        10.     Turns

After 2016’s well-received EP, 'I Could See The Smoke', experimental guitarist Andy
Cartwright (aka Seabuckthorn) returns with his new full-length album 'Turns', releasing
April 21st, 2017 on vinyl, CD and digital with Lost Tribe Sound. Cartwright immediately
caught our attention with his commanding full-length album 'They Haunted Most Thickly'
in 2015. With 'Turns', Cartwright further solidifies his anomalous position within the
genres solo guitar music, American primitive, and modern classical.
LTS     027 1   THE GREEN KINGDOM       THE NORTH WIND AND THE SUN      LP      08.2017
LTS     027 3   THE GREEN KINGDOM       THE NORTH WIND AND THE SUN      DL      08.2017

        1.      Signs and Wonders
        2.      The Singing River
        3.      Rusted Relic I
        4.      Virescent
        5.      Unnamed Lands
        6.      Aventurine
        7.      The Beacon Tree
        8.      Rusted Relic II
        9.      Silt
        10.     From the Ashes of Industry
        11.     Ramshacklet
        12.     Rusted Relic III
        13.     Children of Light

First ever chance to own The Green Kingdom’s music on vinyl (limited to 175 editions),
‘The North Wind…’ was originally slated to release on cassette only, but when handed
this much beauty it seemed only right to honor it with vinyl. Mastered by Taylor
Deupree, who’s skills have served Lost Tribe Sound well over many vinyl releases incl.
Western Skies Motel’s ‘Settlers’, Mute Forest’s ‘Deforestation’, and the upcoming
From the Mouth of the Sun album arriving in the fall of 2017.
LTS     028 2   ALDER & ASH             PSALMS FOR THE SUNDER           CD      07.2017
LTS     028 3   ALDER & ASH             PSALMS FOR THE SUNDER           DL      07.2017

        1.      A Prelude to the Decline
        2.      At Night in the Slaughterhouse
        3.      Black Salt
        4.      Seen Through the Cedar Smoke
        5.      Ikejime
        6.      Children of Gomorrah
        7.      Triage

(Note : CD comes housed in a handcrafted 7" x 5" panoramic case with a glass mastered
        CD and a high quality download card for the album)
LTS     029 2   ALDER & ASH : CLUTCHED IN THE MAW OF THE WORLS          CD      07.2017
LTS     029 3   ALDER & ASH : CLUTCHED IN THE MAW OF THE WORLS          DL      07.2017

        1.      The Merciless Dusk
        2.      A Seat Amongst God and His Children
        3.      All His Own, the Lord of Naught
        4.      Clutched in the Maw of the World
        5.      The Great Plains of Dust
        6.      Seeds of a Sallow Earth
        7.      The Merciful Dawn
        8.      The Glisten, the Glow

(Note : CD comes housed in a handcrafted 7" x 5" panoramic case with a glass mastered
        CD and a high quality download card for the album)
LTS     030 1   WILLIAM RYAN FRITCH     BEHIND THE PALE                 LP      10.2017
LTS     030 2   WILLIAM RYAN FRITCH     BEHIND THE PALE                 CD      10.2017
LTS     030 3   WILLIAM RYAN FRITCH     BEHIND THE PALE                 MP3     10.2017

        1.      Never is it Enough
        2.      Return to the Dream
        3.      Depths of Our Minds
        4.      Sheep in the Fog
        5.      In Our Blood
        6.      Greedy Things
        7.      Supposed
        8.      Borrowed Air
        9.      Behind the Pale
        10.     What the Future Holds

The edition arrives as a lacquer cut 180 gram 12" audiophile black vinyl, housed in
a matte finished gatefold tip-on jacket (Limited to 300). Plated at RTI, pressed at
Gotta Groove, the vinyl edition also comes with a download card offering a choice of
formats including WAV, FLAC, 320K MP3, etc. Mastering for vinyl, CD and digital was
performed by Samur Khouja at Seahorse Sound Studios. The CD edition is housed in a
heavy stock, handcrafted 7" x 5" book-style case with glass mastered CD and a download
of the album in high quality format (Limited to 150).
LTS     031 LP  FROM THE MOUTH OF THE SUN : HYMN BINDING                LP+DLc  09.2017

        1.      A Healer Hidden
        2.      A Breath to Retrieve Your Body
        3.      The First to Forgive
        4.      Light Blooms in Hollow Space
        5.      The Last to Forgive
        6.      Risen, Darkened
        7.      Roads
        8.      Grace

(Note : LP/180g vinyl LP on Lost Tribe Sound housed in a matte finished gatefold
        tip-on jacket with artwork from Gregory Euclide. Edition of 300 copies)

LTS     031 2   FROM THE MOUTH OF THE SUN : HYMN BINDING                CD      09.2017

(Note : CD on Lost Tribe Sound housed in a heavy stock, handcrafted 7" x 5" book
        -style case with download card for the album in high quality format. Edition
        of 150 copies)

        1.      A Healer Hidden
        2.      A Breath to Retrieve Your Body
        3.      The First to Forgive
        4.      Light Blooms in Hollow Space
        5.      The Last to Forgive
        6.      Risen, Darkened
        7.      Roads
        8.      Grace

Aaron Martin (Black Vines, The Cloisters) and Dag Rosenqvist (Jasper TX) have
individually had releases on Miasmah, Type and Denovali. Joining forces as From The
Mouth Of The Sun they work entirely with acoustic sound sources, from guitars to
organs and cellos. Swelling neo-classical pieces to soothe the soul.
LTS     032     KJ                      SPELLS                          CD      10.2017
LTS     032 3   KJ                      SPELLS                          MP3     10.2017

        1.      safe
        2.      twins
        3.      cotton
        4.      dawyn
        5.      spells
        6.      angels
        7.      clear
        8.      lozo
        9.      we

The 'spells' CD edition is handcrafted using a heavyweight reverse printed stock,
forming the cover of the 7" x 5" book-style case, complete with glass mastered CD
and a download card for the spells album in high quality format (Limited to 150).
Mastered by Lawrence English. Cover artwork by Emile Hengen.
LTS     033     V / A : WE STAYED THE PATH THAT FELL TO SHADOW          MP3     11.2018

        1.      Alder & Ash and William Ryan Fritch : All Is Surprising
                to the Forgetful
        2.      The Phonometrician      The Fall of Cormoran
        3.      Luton                   Step into the Void
        4.      Spheruleus              I Could Live Here
        5.      Gavin Miller            A Sallow Island
        6.      Manyfingers and William Ryan Fritch : A Threadbare Web
        7.      Alder & Ash             Lest the Fever Takes Them
        8.      The Green Kingdom and KJ : Bridges
        9.      Kiln & Mute Forest      Bones ov Chorus
        10.     From the Mouth of the Sun & Seabuckthorn : Lesser Still
        11.     William Ryan Fritch     Burrow
LTS     034 2   WILLIAM RYAN FRITCH     DECEPTIVE CADENCE               2CD     05.2019
708527190227    (MUSIC FOR FILM VOL.1 & 2)
LTS     034 3   WILLIAM RYAN FRITCH     DECEPTIVE CADENCE               FLAC    05.2019
                (MUSIC FOR FILM VOL.1 & 2)

Disc 1  01      Reshuffle the Deck
        02      Silent River
        03      Sinews
        04      Lauren's Love
        05      Imagined Worlds
        06      Our Thirsting World
        07      Spilt
        08      A Tangle of Birds
        09      The Weight of What's Unsaid
        10      To Ache for What's Never Been
        11      Abandoned Space
        12      Same River
        13      Mending What We've Cleft
        14      Exit wounds
        15      A Renewed Sense
        16      Sirens and Cicadas
        17      Emergent
        18      Interlaced
        19      With Each Sweet Submersion
        20      Processional
        21      Incrementalism
        22      Hopeless Romantic
        23      Visible Wear
        24      Till Fresh Earth
        25      Scraping the Dregs

Disk 2  01      Gut Level
        02      Fractured
        03      All the Feels
        04      Lionize
        05      Unwittingly
        06      Sanguine
        07      Implosion
        08      Fatalist
        09      Ricochet
        10      Familiar Patterns
        11      The Red Underneath
        12      Sleight of Hand
        13      Time Curves So Subtly
        14      Dumbstruck
        15      Separation
        16      In a Senseless Ether
        17      Spectral Chatter
        18      Children in Wartime
        19      Oh Great Inaction
        20      When Tragedy Coheres

Music by William Ryan Fritch
Photos by Joe Borreson (Dust Cloud Design) 
Artwork, layout and design by Ryan Keane 

Deceptive Cadence: Music For Film Vol. I & II’ arrives with a double CD album housed
inside a lavish A5 size hard cover book. Each edition contains 8 full color pages
of photos from Napa based photographer and designer Joe Borreson. Borreson’s wonderful
images should be familiar to those who have followed the labels output, having lent
his talents the cover of the original ‘Music For Film Vol. I’ digital edition, along
with Fritch’s ‘Her Warmth’ and ‘Dampener’ EPs, as well as, The Green Kingdom’s
‘The North Wind and the Sun.’  Each one comes hand-numbered, and limited to 200
editions, with no repressings or second editions.
LTS     035 2   LUTON                   BLACK BOX ANIMAL                CD      04.2018
LTS     035 3   LUTON                   BLACK BOX ANIMAL                MP3     04.2018

        1.      Mount Kenya Imperial                            (4:18)
        2.      Spectres of Mark                                (2:26)
        3.      Södermalm Phantom Cab                           (4:40)
        4.      Eternal Now                                     (1:45)
        5.      Black Concrete                                  (5:21)
        6.      Archipelago                                     (4:04)
        7.      Night Avalanche                                 (5:46)
        8.      Elk Talk                                        (2:16)
        9.      Submergence                                     (4:18)
        10.     Ice Museum                                      (4:26)
        11.     Silent Fireworks                                (4:52)

Black Box Animals is the debut release from the Italian duo, Luton, formed in 2017 by
Roberto P. Siguera and Attilio Novellino.
The CD edition is a reverse printed, heavy stock gatefold edition of 200, with a glass
mastered CD and a download card for ‘Black Box Animals’ in WAV, FLAC, 320MP3 format.
LTS     036     FROM THE MOUTH OF THE SUN : SLEEP STATIONS EP           MP3     05.2018

        1.      About the Birth of Stars                        (1:48)
        2.      Reaching When Nothing Is There                  (3:57)
        3.      About the Life of Stars                         (3:18)
        4.      Sleep Stations                                  (6:11)
        5.      About the Death of Stars                        (4:24)
        6.      A Place We Cannot See                           (2:00)

Music and Arrangements by Dag Rosenqvist & Aaron Martin
Mastering by Matthew Collings
Cover Image: NASA/JPL/U of Arizona
Layout & Design by Ryan Keane
Copyright: Dag Rosenqvist / Aaron Martin / Lost Tribe Sound LLC
Published by Settled Scores LLC 2017
From the Mouth of the Sun (aka Aaron Martin & Dag Rosenqvist) return with ‘Sleep
Stations,’ an EP of six new songs, out May 18th, 2018 on Lost Tribe Sound.
LTS     037     GAVIN MILLER            MEANDER SCARS                   MP3     11.2018

        1.      Upper Course I (featuring Aaron Martin)
        2.      Upper Course II (featuring Aaron Martin)
        3.      Upper Course III (featuring Aaron Martin)
        4.      Upper Course IV (featuring Aaron Martin)
        5.      Lower Course I
        6.      Lower Course II
        7.      Lower Course III
        8.      Lower Course IV

Music & Arrangements by Gavin Miller 
Additional Instrumentation on 'Upper Course' by Aaron Martin   
LTS     038 1   THE PHONOMETRICIAN      MNEMOSYNE                       LP      05.2019
LTS     038 2   THE PHONOMETRICIAN      MNEMOSYNE                       CD      05.2019
LTS     038 3   THE PHONOMETRICIAN      MNEMOSYNE                       FLAC    05.2019

‘Mnemosyne’ is the debut album from Mexico City based multi-instrumentalist, film
composer and sound preservationist Carlos Morales, who creates under the name
The Phonometrician.
‘Mneomosyne’ will be available in two stunning physical formats. Firstly, the CD
arrives in a lush A5 size hard cover book featuring 8 full color pages of artwork
by Joao Ruas. Secondly, the album was pressed to 180gm audiophile vinyl using the
lacquer cut method. The vinyl comes housed in a beautifully textured, reverse print
sleeve, featuring an alternate version of the cover artwork from the CD edition.
Each comes hand-numbered, and limited to 200 editions in each format for the world,
with no repressings or second editions.
LTS     039 1   SKYPHONE                HILDUR                          LP      08.2019
LTS     039 3   SKYPHONE                HILDUR                          11MP3   08.2019
LTS     039 4   SKYPHONE                HILDUR                          11FLAC  08.2019

        1.      Lares
        2.      Poetics of Space
        3.      Vertigo
        4.      Scamander
        5.      Palinode
        6.      Four Colours
        7.      Geopold
        8.      Aventoft
        9.      Hildur #29
        10.     Hallways
        11.     Eavesdropping
LTS     040 1   SKYPHONE                MARSH DRONES                    LP      08.2019
LTS     040 3   SKYPHONE                MARSH DRONES                    9MP3    08.2019
LTS     040 4   SKYPHONE                MARSH DRONES                    9FLAC   08.2019

        1.      Saltlys
        2.      Marsksonder
        3.      Murmalvejr
        4.      Rungholt
        5.      Klev
        6.      Linjer
        7.      Lunar Flood
        8.      Husk
        9.      Les Clouds
Lost Tribe Sound is honored present two albums from the Danish trio, Skyphone.
‘Marsh Drones,’ their first new album in over 5 years.
LP will be available in limited runs of 180gm audiophile vinyl, produced using the
lacquer cut method. The vinyl comes housed in a beautifully textured, reverse print
sleeves. Each is hand-numbered and limited to only 200 editions for each album, with
no repressings or second editions.
LTS     041     SPHERULEUS : LIGHT THROUGH OPEN BLINDS                  MP3     07.2019

        1.      Light Through Open Blinds
        2.      Conserving Warmth
        3.      Floor
        4.      Eighteen Gallon
        5.      Overseed
        6.      Wreathe
        7.      Deeds
        8.      Colossian
        9.      Water Lane
        10.     Luna
        11.     Upward Ears
        12.     Winnowers
        13.     Intercoastal
LTS     042     MALK                    WMAIDIT                         CS      04.2019
LTS     042     MALK                    WMAIDIT                         MP3     04.2019

        1.      Sunrisedown
        2.      Stream
        3.      Re-treat
        4.      International Gravel
        5.      Eyestillclosed
        6.      Roundhouse
        7.      Move
        8.      Breaking
        9.      Water Falls
        10.     Mywayout
        11.     The Sunken Place
        12.     Return
        13.     Release
        14.     In The Distance
        15.     ...And Rise!
        16.     She Just Ain't Worth Tha Time
        17.     Onmyno
        18.     In The Winds
        19.     What Goes Up
        20.     Honey Sweat
        21.     It Breathes
        22.     Mist Up

Tape on Lost Tribe Sound. Limited edition of 100 copies, housed in a reverse printed
300gsm heavy card stock folded case. Mastered by James Plotkin. Artwork by Eric
LTS     043 3   VIEO ABIUNGO            THE DREGS                       CS      03.2019
LTS     043 4   VIEO ABIUNGO            THE DREGS                       MP3     03.2019

        1.      Fronting
        2.      Cobble Together
        3.      Picked Down to Its Bones
        4.      The Dregs
        5.      Tinkerer
        6.      Unravel Together
        7.      No Diamonds in these Mines
        8.      A Branch Gave Way
        9.      What the Rain Restores
        10.     Takamba II
        11.     Heaving Chest, Shallow Breaths
        12.     Swagger
        13.     Short Sell
        14.     Trembled at Its Feet

Music by William Ryan Fritch 
Artwork, layout and design by Ryan Keane 
LTS     044     WILLIAM RYAN FRITCH     THE LETDOWN                     15MP3   06.2020

        01      Unhinged
        02      Free Radical
        03      Compulsion / Going Through The Motions
        04      Initiative
        05      Dream Differently
        06      Experiment
        07      Curls of Smoke / False Confidence
        08      Unraveling
        09      Progress Traps
        10      Ashen Relics
        11      The Letdown
        12      Hesitation / Recurring
        13      Shuttered
        14      Dream Glitch / Fugue State / Broken Barriers
        15      What's Left Unfilched
LTS     045 1   MUTE FOREST             RIDERSTORM                      LP      04.2020
LTS     045 2   MUTE FOREST             RIDERSTORM                      CD      04.2020
LTS     045 3   MUTE FOREST             RIDERSTORM                      DL      04.2020

        1.      Morning Guitar
        2.      The Wave
        3.      Dance the Spell Off
        4.      Crater Laugh
        5.      Rider Storm
        6.      Return
        7.      Atoms Falling
        8.      The Riven Sun
        9.      Blue Chamber
        10.     Helio Gap

        01      Inertia
        02      Dark Tropics
        03      Diving Bell
        04      Sunken Phantoms / Hollow Earth 
LTS     047     MICROWOLF               MY CAULIFLOWER EARS             MP3     08.2020

        1.      Mara
        2.      Emaho / Colour
        3.      Sad Collector
        4.      My Cauliflower Ears
        5.      Ciao Mare!
        6.      Under
        7.      Must I Be Bound

‘My Cauliflower Ears’ (out August 21st, 2020 on Lost Tribe Sound) is the third album
from Netherlands-born, Benjamin van Vliet, who makes music under the name, Microwolf.
LTS     048     WILLIAM RYAN FRITCH     SOLIDUM                         MP3     12.2020

        01      Movement I
        02      Movement II
        03      Movement III
        04      Movement IV
        05      Movement V
        06      Movement VI
        07      Movement VII
        08      Movement VIII
        09      Movement IX
        10      Movement X
        11      Movement XI
        12      Movement XII
        13      Movement XIII
        14      Movement XIV
        15      Movement XV
        16      Movement XVI
        17      Movement XVII
        18      Movement XVIII
        19      Movement XIX
        20      Movement XX
        21      Movement XXI
LTS     049     CLAIRE DEAK AND TONY DUPÉ : THE OLD CAPITAL             MP3     10.2020

        1.      From a Rooftop
        2.      Overland
        3.      The Rain
        4.      Before Dark
        5.      We Crossed the Lake
        6.      For Bernadette
        7.      Procession
LTS     050     VIEO ABIUNGO : AT ONCE, THERE WAS NO HOROZON            MP3     10.2020

        1.      Balkanize
        2.      Unfulfilled Promise
        3.      Future Tense
        4.      A Cold Calculus
        5.      At Once, There Was No Horizon
        6.      Empty Heroics
LTS     051     YADAYN                  ELDERS                          MP3     11.2020

        1.      Hier
        2.      Ginder
        3.      Verder
        4.      Elders I
        5.      Elders II
        6.      Ergens

Elders is the fifth album from London-based guitarist Gowaart Van Den Bossche,
working under the moniker yadayn
LTS     052     SEVERAL WIVES           VEIL ON VEIL                    MP3     22.2020

        1.      Too Hands
        2.      Break One
        3.      Myth of Brilliant Summers
        4.      Break Two
        5.      Veil on Veil
        6.      To Swing and Miss
        7.      Instant Violent
        8.      An Intermission
        9.      Copycat
        10.     Break Three
        11.     Mai Swarmer
        12.     Boy Walking
        13.     End Song

Veil on Veil (out November 20th on Lost Tribe Sound) is the fourth album from
experimental act, Several Wives. Veil on Veil continues the deeply cathartic
explorations into doom, electro-acoustic, and outsider classical that have become
synonymous with their work.
LTS     053     (s) WILLIAM RYAN FRITCH : FREELAND                      CD      03.2021
LTS     053 3   (s) WILLIAM RYAN FRITCH : FREELAND                      MP3     03.2021

        1.      Devi’s Last Deal
        2.      Bygones
        3.      Cited
        4.      Threshing Floor
        5.      Siren Call of the Land
        6.      Outed
        7.      Dropped
        8.      What You’ve Built
        9.      Gnawing Away
        10.     The Old Commune
        11.     Husk
        12.     Outmoded
        13.     Submersion
        14.     Resurface
LTS     054
LTS     055     MT. WENT                SHELTERING SKY                  MP3     04.2021

        1       Among Others
        2.      Respectable Prostitute
        3.      Ember Wildly
        4.      That’s Not There
        5.      Hidden Joke
        6.      Farewell To The Land
        7.      Sheltering Sky
        8.      To Bed

Mt Went is the collaborative project between Andy Cartwright (Seabuckthorn) and Dave
Anderson (Von Braun). Mt Went is two friends from different musical pursuits, who have
managed to create two well-crafted and beautifully weathered indie albums over the
last ten years.
LTS     056     MT. WENT                LIT WAY DOWN                    MP3     04.2021

        1.      Resistance
        2.      Gather in the Storms
        3.      A Vindication
        4.      The Swam to Its Centre
        5.      The Owls Are Talking
        6.      Rewild
        7.      Light in the Dark
        8.      Escapes and Glides
        9.      Way Down
LTSD    003     WILLIAM RYAN FRITCH     HEAVY EP                        DL      08.2014
LTSD    005     MUTE FOREST             INFINITY POOLS EP               DL      04.2015

        1       Crypt
        2       Volcanoes Flowing
        3       Infinity Pools
        4       Eat the Skin
LTSD    007     WILLIAM RYAN FRITCH     DAMPENER                        DL      04.2015
LTSD    010     WESTERN SKIES MOTEL     GENERATIONS                     DL      04.2016

        1.      Pouring Down
        2.      Empty Rooms
        3.      Myriads
        4.      Streams
        5.      Leaving Behind
        6.      Rise
LTSD    012 3   SEABUCKTHORN            IN NIGHTFALL                    MP3     06.2016

Music by Andy Cartwright
Artwork by Valentin Féron
Originally released by Bookmaker Records
Licensed with permission by Lost Tribe Sound, LLC
Published by Settled Scores, LLC
LTSD    013 3   SEABUCKTHORN            THEY HAUNTED MOST THICKLY       MP3     06.2016

Resonator & 12-String Guitars by Andy Cartwright
Recorded & Mixed by Andy Cartwright in Montreuil, France, 2014.
Mastered by James Plotkin
Cover Arrangements by Valerie Tortolero
Originally released by Bookmaker Records
Licensed with permission by Lost Tribe Sound, LLC
Published by Settled Scores, LLC
LTSD    016     WILLIAM RYAN FRITCH     THE SUM OF ITS PARTS            DL      08.2017

        1.      The Sum of its Parts
        2.      Ratcheting
        3.      Idling
        4.      Mechanized
        5.      Gnashing Metals
        6.      Subconsciously
        7.      Disassembled
        8.      Unfounded
        9.      Rummage
        10.     Sentience
LTSD    017     WILLIAM RYAN FRITCH : THE OLD BELIEVERS (EXT. ED.)      DL      08.2017

        1.      Of a Different Time
        2.      Isolation
        3.      The Last Frost
        4.      Clouded Was Every Prospect
        5.      Take Refuge
        6.      Left to Wander
        7.      With Each Passing Age
        8.      Still and Dense Solitude
        9.      Northern Lights
        10.     Who Fell the Last Tree
        11.     Glass Slowly Shifts
        12.     Feeble Dreams
        13.     Precious Little Time
        14.     By the Letter
        15.     Wilting Ways
        16.     On Frozen Ground
        17.     The Old Believers
        18.     Traditions
        19.     We Fear Change
        20.     Becoming

        1.      Courthouse Wedding
        2.      Honeysuckle
        3.      A History, in Boxes
        4.      All That Lives Will Sour
        5.      Dinner Party
        6.      See Rock City
LTSD    019     WILLIAM RYAN FRITCH     ARTIFISHAL                      MP3     11.2019

        1       (original score)                                58:00
LTSD    020     WILLIAM RYAN FRITCH     EXIT 12                         MP3     11.2019
LTS-SNG 002     WESTERN SKIES MOTEL     WHIRL                           DL      01.2016
LTS SNG 003     SEABUCKTHORN            OCCURRING WATER                 DL      03.2017
LTS SNG 004     WILLIAM RYAN FRITCH     IN OUR BLOOD                    MP3     08.2017
LTS SNG 006     FROM THE MOUTH OF THE SUN : ROADS                       MP3     09.2017
LTS SNG 007     LUTON                   MOUNT KENYA IMPERIAL            MP3     02.2018

Music and Arrangements by Dag Rosenqvist & Aaron Martin
Mastering by Matthew Collings
Cover Image: NASA/JPL/U of Arizona
Layout & Design by Ryan Keane
Copyright: Dag Rosenqvist / Aaron Martin / Lost Tribe Sound LLC
Published by Settled Scores LLC 2018
LTS SNG 009     MALK                    THE SUNKEN PLACE                MP3     02.2019
LTS SNG 010     VIEO ABIUNGO            COBBLE TOGETHER                 MP3     02.2019


LTS SNG 013     SPHERULEUS              COLOSSIAN                       MP3     07.2019
LTS SNG 014     SKYPHONE                FOUR COLOURS                    MP3     07.2019
LTS SNG 015     SKYPHONE                KLEV                            MP3     07.2019


LTS SNG 018     MUTE FOREST             BLUE CHAMBER                    MP3     03.2020
LTS SNG 019     ARROWOUNDS              THE SUNKEN PHANTONS             MP3     05.2020
LTS SNG 020     ARROWOUNDS              INTERIA (SINGLE VERSION)        MP3     06.2020
LTS SNG 021     MICROWOLF               MARA                            MP3     07.2020
LTS SNG 022     MICROWOLF               SAD COLLECTOR                   MP3     07.2020
LTS SNG 023     CLAIRE DEAK AND TONY DUPÉ : FROM A ROOFTOP              MP3     08.2020
LTS SNG 024     VIEO ABIUNGO            BALKANIZE                       MP3     08.2020
LTS     03      THE PHONOMETRICIAN      MNEMOSYNE                       LP+DLc  06.2019
LTS     03      THE PHONOMETRICIAN      MNEMOSYNE                       CD      06.2019

LP      • 180 Gram Audiophile Grade Vinyl 
        • Heavyweight Reverse Print Jacket
        • Hand Numbered Edition of 200
        • Bandcamp DL Coupon for Mnemosyne
        • Lacquer Cut by Gotta Groove
        • Mastered for vinyl by James Plotkin
        • Vinyl sleeved in interior white poly-lined sleeve

CD      • Glass mastered matte finished CD
        • Bandcamp digital download code (320MP3, FLAC, WAV, etc.)
        • Housed in a vertical A5 (148mm x 210mm) size hard cover book
        • 8 full color pages of artwork by Joao Ruas
        • Hand-numbered and limited to 200 editions

"Mnemosyne" is the debut album from Mexico City based multi-instrumentalist, film
composer and sound preservationist Carlos Morales, who creates under the name The